
Privacy Policy

The following terms and conditions set out the rules of use and privacy policy of the website DEBTUS – hereinafter referred to as the WEBSITE OWNER.

  1. Copyright – All rights to the content of this website, hereinafter referred to as the WEBSITE, are reserved. The user using the WEBSITE has the right to download and print whole pages or parts of the WEBSITE provided that he/she does not infringe the copyright and trademark registration rights of the owner of the WEBSITE. At the same time, it is reserved that no part of the SITE may be copied and used for commercial and marketing purposes, electronically transmitted or otherwise modified, linked to and used without the prior consent of the owner of the WEBSITE.
  2. Collection of personal data – this WEBSITE does not serve to collect data that could constitute personal data within the meaning of Article 6 of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data, (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 101, item 926 as amended). The OWNER of the WEBSITE declares that, respecting the right to privacy, he does not collect personal data obtained through User registration, allowing the identification of the User.
  3. Collection and use of data about the users – the WEBSITE collects data about the users by means of: IP addresses and cookies. The data obtained in this way is used for:
    1. diagnosing problems related to the operation of our server,
    2. correct functioning of the website,
    3. analysing security breaches,
    4. providing users with content that is most relevant to their interests,
    5. social plugin modules posted on the site (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.),
    6. statistical purposes.
  4. Links to external websites – the WEBSITE OWNER is not responsible for the content, text or availability of information on target sites linked to the WEBSITE.
  5. Final provisions:
    1. Korzystanie z SERWISU i jego zasobów jest jednoznaczne z akceptacją zasad zawartych w powyższym Regulaminie użytkowania i polityce prywatności SERWISU.
    2. These terms and conditions enter into force on the day they are published on the above WEBSITE. The owner of the WEBSITE reserves the right to change the content of these rules.